Sunday, May 27, 2012

August 2010 - Traditional Destruction

The Amador County Destruction Derby always makes for a good time. We've gone every year since I can remember.

You can feel the boom of the cars crashing in your chest. The fires blazing and mud flying are a sight to see.

As the evening goes on, the intensity grows until the smoke bellows out of the beasts and the surrender flags go up.

 I love sharing the experience with my boys. They love it just as much, if not more, than I do.

On Microwaves

I have never liked microwaves. I have always felt strange about reheating foods in them. Derek has always told me, unless I could prove them unhealthy, that we were not getting rid of ours. I have never 'cooked' in a microwave, but I have reheated foods for "smorgasbord nights", as my family calls leftover nights. About 2 months ago I heard about the study done on microwaved water's effect on plants, the plants which received microwaved, then cooled water, died. It was enough to back up my thoughts about microwaves. Without telling Derek, I just began heating everything in the toaster oven or on the stove. I pretended as if the microwave didn't exist. I used a lot more pans, leading to a lot more dirty dishes. I also was reluctant to have smorgasbord nights, but I did, 12 pans later, we feasted, it tasted better and foods stayed hotter longer.

After 2 months of being microwave free, I unplugged the radiation supplier and moved it to the top of the fridge.

I gained a huge amount of counter space and my kitchen just feels better. I urge you to take the step. 
If you know me, you know how busy I am, if I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT! 

Click here for some motivation.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

July 2010 - Sand In My Toes

I remember the first time, since we moved back from Arizona, that I drove through the middle of the green hillsides on my way through the tunnel, on our trip into the city. I remember the way that I felt. I whispered a prayer of gratitude as we came out of the tunnel and the air became crisp. I remember thinking, "How can anyone get anything done here? I can't help but want to enjoy my surroundings, every free moment that I get. How can people be driving without noticing these rolling green hills? How can people focus with the oceanside at their fingertips?"

I seriously felt like I had dried out and just HAD to get my toes in the sand and feel the sea air on my face.

Now I find myself still asking the same questions.
And the answer is, I can't!

I have to sit in the Berkeley Rose Garden, dine in North Beach, walk in the rolling green hills and most importantly, lay in the sand, wiggle my toes, run in the waves, explore the tide-pools, and sometimes simply drive up the coast, to see how far we can get in a day. I feel so blessed and love to share my joy with my children.

July 2010 - The Best of Friends

I don't really like the term soul-mates, I prefer soul-friends. Dominick has a beautiful soul-friend, Millie. They have always clicked.

It's as if they have known each other for an eternity. Camille and Dominick have this kind of 'thing' whenever they get together, even though it's not as often as we would like. I have the same thing with her mother, Meredith. We don't even need to talk, it's like she gets me and I get her.

I treasure relationships like these. They are the ripe, red strawberry, covered by leaves on the garden floor. Mmmm.

And then there are these 2...