Monday, July 19, 2010

APRIL 2010 - Family Vacation

We finally had our first "real" family vacation!
We planned two days ahead, researched beach front cabins, booked the night, researched dining options, found a restaurant that would cater to Jacky, map out the trip, found things to do on the way, packed our bags, cleaned our place and off we went.

We drove over the Bay Bridge, through San Francisco, over the Golden Gate bridge and then stopped in, as planned, at the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito. We had a superb time, operating a fishing boat, playing in the Grotto, digging for treasure, and making waves!

Once we were tired out and ready for a meal, we left. We drove to the north, on the Shoreline Highway. We made it through the twisty, turny road and then came the view... the ocean!

We made it to our cozy beach cabin. It was better than we could have imagined!

We walked to the local restaurant, it was DELICIOUS!

After dinner, we walked to the beach and played until the sun went down.

Even though we were an hour from home, we felt like we were on another planet. The view was breathtaking. The crisp sea air filled our lungs and made our hearts beat wildly.
We could taste the salty air, it was wonderful.

Brotherly Love

I know it will not always be like this. Every once in a while I see a glimpse of the intense sibling rivalry that will most likely exist when my boys are teenagers. But for now I am enjoying these precious moments, when they say things like...

"I don't want his tongue to explode, he's my best!" - Jack
"I don't want him to be sad, I really love him." - Dom
"Where is he? If he is gone it will just be you and me, and he is my best." - Jack
"Look how adorable he is Mom, just look at him, awww." - Dom
"He is super smart, like a scientist!" - Jack
"Mom, please let him, I don't want him to be sad." - Dom

They hug, they kiss, they snuggle, they smile at each other. If one is tired, the other will volunteer to carry the other. I wish this would last forever.

We had just finished a hike, Jack was too tired to walk. Derek and I said that we were leaving. Dominick risked being left and went back to carry his brother. He carried him about 50 yards, all the way to the car.